Dedicated Analytical Dairy Tools

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QuickCheck™ Flex Cryoscope

QuickCheck™ Flex Cryoscope

Dimensions: 17 in × 17 in × 14 in
Price: $7,172.00

The only 12 Volt -DC powered (battery)instrument*, the portable QC-FLEX is a tool for rural or remote locations off the ‘grid’ or in areas where AC power is not always reliable.  Applications include milking parlors, bulk tanks, collection centers, milk trucks, use by herd management teams & field reps.  Bringing you real-time information about added water, when you need it – where you need it:  Check the bulk tank to monitor for added water caused by improperly drained lines, condensation, etc.  Screen milk samples for extraneous water upon pick up at the farm, prior to loading, to confirm compliance with recommended levels.  *Optional AC capabilities (w/an external AC/DC Converter) facilitate use in milk reception, on-farm bottling & dairy processing plants.

The QC-FLEX is compliant with AOAC 990.22-1993, IDF 108C:2009, ISO 5764:2009 and BS3095: Part 2:1988

Milking Parlors/Bulk Tanks:
Check milk collected in the bulk tank to monitor for added water which can be caused by improperly drained milking lines, condensation in the bulk tank etc.
Tanker Trucks:
Screen milk samples for extraneous water upon pick-up at the farm, at loading, to confirm compliance with minimal levels
Milk Collection Stations: Easy to use, accurate, cost-effective screening test for adulteration of raw milk. Easy to use with extremely robust cooling assembly, the QC-FLEX provides results that meet or exceed the accuracy required
Laboratory: Rapid, reliable tool for detecting added water in both incoming raw milk and processed products. Dependable, robust, with streamlined user-friendly calibration procedure, the QCFLEX is an ideal HACCP tool for product safety, quality and standardization.
Research & Development: An excellent resource for standardizing formulation and ingredients, QC-FLEX provides essential information for development of value-added dairy products
Dairy Science Studies: User-friendly, simple to use, cost-effective, convenient tool for introducing dairy science technicians and students to testing requirements.

Technical Parameters: 

The QuickCheck™ Flex is a portable freezing-point Cryoscope, providing precise results for added water in milk in accordance with recommended reference methods (AOAC/IDF/ISO) for payment purposes.
Test Parameters:
Freezing-point Range: ……….. 0 – -1000 mºC (or mºH)
Freezing-point Parameters:  Timed plateau, or Plateau-seeking
Sample Size..........................…. 2.5 mL
Sample Capacity Single Sample
Test Time ~ 2 minutes
Readout Units.................................. mºC or mºH
Start-Up Time ………………………………..……~ 10 minutes
Repeatability ±0.002 ºH (or ºC)
Linearity < 0.5% from straight line
Resolution 0.001º H (or ºC)
Bath Temperature -6.0º C ± 0.5º
Calibration:  2 points (422, 621 mºH/408, 600 mºC)
Operation Voltage: ………………..…………………….12VDC
The only DC Operated Cryoscope on the market!
NOTE: For AC operation add PS-01 AC/DC Converter