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QuickCheck™ SELECT - Cryoscope

QuickCheck™ SELECT - Cryoscope

Dimensions: 20 in × 20 in × 19 in
Price: $9,836.00

A 3 channels Cryoscope with extended Freezing Point Determination capabilities for special applications.

QuickCheck SELECT is  designed for a long range of applications. Bringing exceptional value to operators, the QuickCheck SELECT Cryoscope features extended and amplified super-cooling capabilities. The three (3) channels allow you to calibrate for an extended number of products, broadening the benefits that this reliable, exceptionally robust analytical tool brings to you. Compliant with AOAC 990.22-1993, IDF 108C:2009 & ISO 5764:2009

By keeping one channel for traditional testing (i.e. screening raw milk for extraneous water) you can then assign and pre-calibrate other channels to test special products. Set things up by pre-calibrating the different channels to allow for hassle-free testing of lactose-reduced milk, ice cream mixes, flavored fluid products, etc.

The broader range of cooling options available ensures that you can realize exceptionally accurate results across the fully testing range!

This newest addition to the Page & Pedersen family of freezing-point cryoscopes allows you to automate transitions between different types of products! Swiftly move from testing between samples with different definitions without needing to stop and recalibrate! Do away with delays and streamline your testing today!

Freezing Point Range:

The Freezing Point Ranges on the 3 channels are as follows:

  • CH-1 From -0.600 to 0.00 °C / -0.621 to 0.000 °H
  • CH-2 From -1.000 to -0.600 °C/°H
  • CH-3a From -2.000 to -1.000 °C
  • CH-3b From -2.800 to -2.000 °C

Accurate, Precise Result for Added Water in Milk

Channel 1: Testing for adulteration of milk in accordance with current internationally reviewed and recommended reference methods (see ISO 5764:2009, IDF 108:2009 and AOAC 990.22-1993), the QC-IV/GR provides ultra-accurate results in ~ 90 seconds. Can be used for Cow, Goat, Sheep, Camel and Water Buffalo milk testing.

Channel 2: Designed for Lactose Hydrolysis testing, to ensure solid enzymatic conversion of Lactose to its constituent sugars, glucose and galactose, for reduced lactose or lactose free milk. Can also be used for other process control where the freezing point is between -0.600 °C and -1.000 °C (i.e. Dextrose Equivalency). Finally it can be used for testing water added in Yak (FP: -0.724 °C) and Zom milk (FP: -0.697 °C)

Channel 3: can be user selected for two different ranges a) -2.000 °C to -1.000 °C or b) -2.800 °C to -2.000 °C. This channel is used for ice cream mix (mixture dependent), chocolate milk, and a big variety of flavored, dairy-based products.


The calibration of all parameters is independent and individual for all channels. Beside the normal adjustable parameters, the QC-SELECT now also has a new parameter for Freeze Pulse Temperature cut-in. The parameters adjustable by the user includes:

  • Stir Amplitude (0 - 100%)
  • Freeze Pulse Amplitude (0 - 100%)
  • Freeze Pulse Duration (0.5 to 2.0 Seconds)
  • Freeze Pulse Cut-in Temperature (-3.000, -3.500 or -4.000°C/°H)
  • Bath Temperature (down to -9.0 °C)
  • Freezing Point method (Plateau, Time, Max)

To help in the calibration a real-time freeze curve is now displayed on the graphic display

The following supplies are included in the standard Start-Up kit:

  • 1 x Bath Liquid (Cooling Transfer Fluid) (500 ml)
  • 1 x AC Power Cord
  • 1 x User’s Manual
  • 1 x 12 Sample Tubes
  • 1 each 422 & 621°H Calibration Standards (125 ml)
  • 1 x 530°H Calibration Control (125 ml)
Technical Parameters: 
Electrical Parameters
Power Consumption < 120 watts
Main Fuse 3 amperes
Line Voltage/Frequency (Opt. AC power supply) 110 - 220VAC +10% (50/60 Hz)
Mechanical Parameters
Dimensions (W x D x H) 30 x 26 x 20 cm (12 x 10 x 8 inches)
Net Weight 15 kg (36 lbs.)
Test Parameters
Freezing-point Range -2800 to 0 m°C (Ch1 -0.621 - 0.000°H)
Sample Capacity Single Sample
Sample Size 2.0 to 2.5 ml
Test Time ~ 2 minutes
Readout Units m°C or m°H (Ch 3 m°C only)
Start-Up Time ~ 10 minutes
Date and Time International or US
Freeze Amplitude 0 - 99
Freeze Time, Seconds 0.3/0.6/0.9/1.2/1.5/1.8/2.1
Bath Temperature Adjustment 1 - 99
Stir Adjust 0 - 99
Freeze Pulse Cut-in Temperature -3.000, -3.500 or -4.000 °C
Plateau Selection Seeking, Maximum, Timed
Timed Plateau Options 10 to 120 seconds
Calibration ±2 points (User Selectable)
Repeatability ±0.002 °C/°H (Ch 1 & 2); ±0.005 °C (Ch 3)
Resolution 0.0001 °C (or °H)
Environmental Conditions
Ambient room temperature 15 to 38 °C (59 to 100 °F)
Sample temperature 4 to 35 °C (39 to 95 °F)
Relative humidity 30% to 80%
Other Parameters
Data Storage Directly to a USB Memory Stick
Data Communication Directly to a Printer or PC via the RS-232 output