Dedicated Analytical Dairy Tools

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QuickCheck™ TECH Cryoscope

QuickCheck™ TECH Cryoscope

Dimensions: 18 in × 18 in × 16 in
Price: $7,763.00

For full metal enclosure add $864.00

Reliable, affordable and versatile analytical tool for detecting extraneous water in milk at any point throughout the dairy supply chain.  Easy to use, accurate, cost-effective and analysis of milk, in compliance with internationally reviewed and recommended methods (AOAC, IDF 108:2009 & ISO 5764:2009) for payment purposes.  Robust electronics, featuring a streamlined calibration and rugged cooling capabilities.  The QC-TECH provides results that meet or exceed accuracy requirements for QC/QA critical control points including payment purposes in milk collection/reception.

The QC-TECH is compliant with AOAC 990.22-1993, IDF 108C:2009, ISO 5764:2009 and BS3095: Part 2:1988

Milking Parlors/Bulk Tanks: Check milk collected in the bulk tank to monitor for added water which can be caused by improperly drained milking lines, condensation in the bulk tank etc.
Milk Collection Stations: Easy to use, accurate, cost-effective screening test for adulteration of raw milk. Easy to use with extremely robust cooling assembly, the QC-TECH provides results that meet or exceed the accuracy required for screening or payment.
Laboratory: Rapid, reliable tool for detecting added water in incoming raw milk and also in processed products. Dependable, robust, with streamlined user-friendly calibration procedure, the QC-TECH is an ideal HACCP tool for product safety, quality and standardization. USB memory stick connection for automated data collection or RS-232 connection for data transfer to PC.
Research & Development: An excellent resource for standardizing formulation and ingredients, QC-TECH provides essential information for development of value-added dairy products.
Dairy Science Studies: User-friendly, simple to use, cost-effective, convenient tool to introduce dairy science technicians & students to testing requirements.
The following supplies are included in the standard Start-Up kit:

  • 1 x Bath Liquid (Cooling Transfer Fluid) (500 ml)
  • 1 x User’s Manual
  • 1 x 12 Sample Tubes
  • 1 each 422 & 621 Calibration Standards (125 ml)
  • 1 x 530 Calibration Control (125 ml)
Technical Parameters: 

The QuickCheck™ TECH Digital Freezing-Point Milk Cryoscope is designed to provide a rapid, reliable analysis of the freezing point of fluid milk and milk products and/or certain other aqueous-based solutions with a freezing-point within the 0 – -1000 mºC range. The perfect Laboratory instrument where Water Added is to be determined in milk. Digital keypad facilitates identification of sample ID numbers.

Test Parameters:
Freezing-point Range:… 0 – -1000 mºC (or mºH)
Freezing-point Parameters: ……..Timed plateau, Research mode or Plateau-seeking
Sample Capacity:…………………..……Single Sample
Resolution: ………………………………..0.001ºC or ºH
Repeatability: …………………………..±0.002ºC or ºH
Linearity < 0.5% from straight line
Sample Size: ………………………………………….2.5 ml
Test Time: …………………………………….~ 2 minutes
Readout Units: …………………………….mºC or mºH
Start-Up Time : ……………………………..~10 minutes
Calibration:…….2 points(422, 621mºH/408, 600mºC)